Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Designing BPEL Process using Round Robin functionality

Implementing Dynamic user Xpath in BPEL Process
create a BPEL Process and Add human task for BPEL worklist application.
Edit human task Add an assignment and Routing policy.
select Type as GroupVote
Specify pattern name, group name and realm name in Expression Builder

Ex: hwf::wfDynamicUserAssign ('ROUND_ROBIN','WesternRegion','jazn')
Auto Generate Simple Task Form and deploy the process.
Once process is Build successfull login to BPEL console and enter input payload for worklist application
Users in "WesternRegion" Group are istone,jcooper,cdoyle in realm "jazn"
  • Login to BPEL Worklist Application as ‘istone’ is the first user in the ‘WesternRegion’ group and the task is initially assigned to first user in the group as per Round Robin functionality
  • Second time when task is initiated it is assigned to second user in the group “jcooper”.
  • Third time when task is initiated it is assigned to 3rd user in the group "cdoyle".

Implementing Dynamic Group Xpath in BPEL Process
DynamicGroupXpath function is similar to WfDynamicUserAssign select DynamicGroupXpath from Expression builder in BPEL worklist Application human tsk

Ex: hwf: wfDynamicGroupAssign ('ROUND_ROBIN','RegionalOffices','Jazn')
'Regional Offices is the group name
Group is selected either subordinate groups of the specified group (single group).

Regional Office (Head Office)
WesternRegion(sub office which inherits regional office)
CentralRegion(sub office which inherits regional office)

When task is assigned to “Regional Office” group. It is 1st assigned to users of “WesternRegion” group and later to “central region” as both are subordinate groups of regional offices.

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